I did that too once with some creeper bud except they were awake and telling me to shut up when I thought it was them talking the whole time. I don't know what y'all are smoking but it's not Don’t Mess With Me I Have A Crazy Grandma Who Happened To Cuss A Lot Tee. I've smoked every kind of weed ,had the edibles,hell I've even smoked laced weed but never have I ever hallucinated. It effects everyone differently don’t tell him what he experienced is different because you don’t have the same experience. Weed is a psychoactive, so yes, it can make you hallucinate if taken in large amounts (depends on the person though). Well I WAS going to comment on this but my wife said if I did that she was going to swipe my whole head across the keyboard 😂😂😂 Well as y'all can see that I clearly don't give a fugjjklmnbvcxzqwertyuioplkjhfssazxvbnmlkjjgfdsaaqqeeryyuioplpiuytrree AqwerrtyuiplkhfdsaazxvnnmnvcxAsddfghjkklpoutrew. In the words of frank Sinatra "love and marriage, love and marriage, go together like a horse and carriage, this i tell you, brother you can't have one without the other." Grandma have you seen my LSD I left on the table? No sorry sweetheart I haven't, but don't go in the kitchen coz there's a big ass dragon in there . Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say.
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Review Don’t Mess With Me I Have A Crazy Grandma Who Happened To Cuss A Lot Tee

Austin Thomas Give it time, it'll go away lol. As you can see, some people still haven't seen it and are laughing so it needs a bit more time haha. Lol, I call SHENANIGANS! 5 brownies and grandma would have been on the floor with fucking heart palpitations. This food pot thing is so bad. There is no way to get a true measurement unless you make each item individual recipe. So bad. My daughter ate a very small amount of a really potent weed cookie. Everyone else was fine. She went to the hospital with near cardiac arrest heart rate over 200bpm. They assumed she consumed some other drug..tox screen proved otherwise. I'm assuming she has an allergy to it. Needless to say she isn't willing to try again go find out... Queeni Mac Donald she was high... some ppl go into "panic mode" when they get high cause they not use to it or its too strong n they wanna Be sober again.. my first time smoking i felt like i was tripping n Bouta have a heart attack But now that im aware on what to expect i am a professional pothead now lol.. But everyBody goes thru a panic/paranoid stage atleast once in their life.. somes just worse than others.. sorry to hear that tho hope she's ok. Wow did we just witness the effects of weed where some lady shot up her household and had a domestic disturbance ?!
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Ohhhh no we didn’t. A grandmother and grandson had a great moment together instead. Because weed is bad and we can’t have families having getting along so well. Alcohol works better. Real funny pot heads!! What they don’t show you is grandma sacrificing that dog due to reefer Don’t Mess With Me I Have A Crazy Grandma Who Happened To Cuss A Lot Tee!!! They cut the video right before to make it seem like the devils lettuce is harmless!! Just a lil sarcasm folks. First of all. Grandma didn’t accidentally eat anything. She knew damn well what they were. Old people can smell ganja from a mile away. She’s got glaucoma she knows what’s up. The only thing that made me sad about this is the fact you had to put that it was sarcasm.
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