ve atque vale brave and beautiful Mac Cougar - you are free of pain and enjoying a wonderful new life over the 🌈bridge with those who have gone before and awaiting those who will follow.  Oh my god I just asked about him too😢 I’ve only made a habit seeing these cats for a couple weeks every day. But I’m saddened to read this too. Like a kick in the gut this morning. RIP BABY.  So sorry you've lost precious Mac he will be missed. At least he had the best life with you and now he's playing with all his late friend's from Big Cat Rescue. R.I.P you beautiful boy. X. BCR, and Matt especially, took such devoted care of this special boy. But Mac's own zest for life was amazing and inspirational! Plus, he had the most beautiful face. Will miss seeing him but glad his pain is no more. RIP Mac. RAIP, Mac! BCR took him out of horrid conditions and gave him a good life filled with love and care. Thank Goodness for BCR!
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Thank you Matt, for being there for him always. You were the best dad in the world for him. If love could save us he would have lived forever. Oh MacMac....I'm so sad that you have left us. I was so hoping to catch a glimpse of you in Nov. You were such a sweet boy. I fell in love with you from YouTube videos, before our first visit. I LOVED to hear you talk. You were a bright spot on Walkabouts for meds. I ALWAYS hoped to see you and Reise. Your leopard neighbors will miss you to. Thank you to all the keepers who loved and cared for you. I so glad YOUR Matt was with you. Matt your special care probably added time to his life and definitely the quality. I hope it was a sardine circle. Lol! Love you so much you brave cougar! Please find me when my time comes so I can give you all the hugs and kisses I would loved to give you in life. I wouldn't be right on earth, but I think it will be OK in heaven. Tell all of our BCR cats we love them. He must have been a beautiful cat, he looked so adorable. Thank you for all you have done for Mac, it is wonderful to see that there are great people like you who do anything for a cat like Mac.
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