But I live in a college town and the restaurants and bars are FULL of, yes, college students. So to some extent this is a matter of how students choose to spend their money. Smoked salmon, maybe not, but most of the rest are doable if that's what they want. I am amazed by how much money some students have. My son left this past weekend for college, he took with him ramen noodles, cereal, juices, and honey buns. His meal plan only includes 2 meals a day that’s only 10 meals a week. So he has too chose which meal to skip every day. That also means The Night of the 13th Doctor Ladies Shirt out the week/ weekend he will have to skip meals. Idk who can afford some of that listed. All college students, huh? Hardly. Things have changed since I was in college, granted. We weren't allowed microwaves, slow cookers, or much of anything at all beyond a mini fridge and an electric coffee pot, and we absolutely didn't have a dorm kitchen. Have all these things really become standard now with the requisite dollars available? I survived on instant mashed potatoes, instant soup, and trail mix. I enjoy you Tasty and have for a long time, but you’ve been drifting farther and farther from reality lately.
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Did you hire someone new or something? It’s not working out if you did unfortunately, this list is more for a single person in their mid to late 20’s with a stable income and little to no debt. Not the majority of college students. You really think college kids can afford and keep smoked salmon in their mini fridges? Also, btw, many states can't get fresh salmon there are students who are struggling, and there are those who are not. you do not have smoked salmon to be healthy. it is quite expensive, there are many alternatives that are not expensive, and healthy..it is called cooking from scratch, eating whole foods (no, not the store), and not relying on The Night of the 13th Doctor Ladies Shirt and convenience. i cannot afford smoked salmon, so it is a treat to me. i work. life is full of expenses. Dude, if you’re a grown ass adult in college eating ramen all day I don’t feel bad for you.
This shirt is from: Gravartees